
ICT Coalition for Children Online Forum 2 December 2014

On December 2nd 2014, The ICT Coalition held its second Stakeholder Forum of 2014. A Member of the European Parliament, MS Dalli, opened the day and she was joined by representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission for a day dedicated to the role of “digital literacy” in developing children’s ICT skills, fostering creativity & helping them make best use of the internet in a safer, responsible way.

You can find here the agenda of the day with all the presentations made. We are also happy that the European Internet Foundation organized on December 3rd a breakfast devoted to online child protection, under the patronage of MEP Ms Verheyen. More info on EIF website.

Please note that Coalition members have agreed to change the name of the Coalition, which will now be known as the “ICT Coalition for Children Online”

All downloads

2014.12.02_ICT Coalition Forum speech_Miriam Dalli (Archived)

Richard Graham Building young peoples online resilience – final (Archived)

James-SuperCoders presentation for ICT Coalition Dec 2014 (Archived)

Brodtkorb -Use Your Head program (Archived)

Bedell-Online resilience (Archived)

Firlus_awareness raising & education (01-12-2014) (Archived)

Family Online Safety Institute Overview – SIF Briefing 021214 (Archived)

Vollmers (Archived)

ICT_Coalition_PantallasAmigas_v1.1 (Archived)

Will G ICT Principles Dec 14 (Archived)

Donoso -Child-friendly Terms of Use (Archived)

Comunicar em Segurança_ICT Forum